
Want to become a member of our association? First read the FAQ and then fill out the registration form. Your yearly membership will start immediately and you will become a member of our association, with access to the IRC channel, the mailing lists, and our social events. The monthly membership won’t start until your server is installed.

On the registration form you can indicate among other things whether you need a console port. We’d also like to hear what you plan to do with your machine in our network (even though it’s not mandatory, we like to have an idea of what our members are doing).

After receiving this form we will reply via email with information like IP address(es) and detailed rack location. The placement committee will get in touch with you to schedule an appointment for placing your server.

Thanks for your interest in ColoClue!

    Name: *

    Enter your full name here

    Company name:

    (if applicable)

    Membership is only possible for natural persons, the company name will only be used for invoicing.

    Address: *

    Enter your current home address here

    Postal code: *

    Enter your postal code here. For instance 0000 AA

    City: *

    Enter the name of the city you currently live in here

    Country: *

    Enter the name of the country you currently live in here

    Email address: *

    Address where we can reach you for information and other matters

    Email Mailinglist:

    Mail address where you want to receive mail from the mailinglists

    Telephone number: *

    Which phone number we can reach you on, for instance 099-1234567

    Username: *

    Desired username for service menu among others

    General comments or questions:

    Questions, remarks, or miscellaneous info? Enter it in this box. We will try to answer any questions via email as quickly as possible. Also indicate what you will use your machine for. We're very curious about what services our members run on our network.

    Your annual membership starts the moment you fill out this form. You won't have to pay your monthly fees until you've placed your machine.